- (Deviija)-

Welcome, friend! Come on in and learn all about this nerd!

About Me

Learn more about your friendly neighborhood gremlin that lives under your bed.Some background information and personal bits about yours truly.

My Interests

If you're interested in knowing my interests then this is the place where you can do that.Pardon me babbling about some of these things. I wanted to give a range of things from various media that I love. My formative influences, stuff that means a lot to me, etc., so you can understand me a little better.


Here is where I've put a link to my other carrd with my main OCs and their detailed backgrounds, for folks' reading pleasure. So if you're looking to learn a lot more about Red Bear, Kahlan, and Evandur, this is the spot!And a place where I get to showcase for some of the creative things I've made.

About Me

-Hey, lovely beans! <3I'm honored you want to know a li'l bit more about me, your friendly neighborhood gremlin that lives under your bed. So come on down here, grab a pillow, and have something spicy to drink.Picture it, June 64,246 BCE, it was a dark and stormy night... just kidding!Mostly.I am a 30-something non-binary, bisexually queer as hell, disabled and chronically ill, vegan pagan; a Japanese American writer, and proud disaster, trying to make it through this life and leave it a little bit better than it was before.I'm very happily married to a special person I couldn't imagine life without, and it's our 15th year anniversary in 2022. I love animals of all kinds and wish I could adopt them all and spend my days just looking after them. Which, admittedly, is what I do in a great many games, haha. Forget saving the world, let me just open ranch with all the sweet babies.I'm spiritual, not religious, and cast no judgements and harbor no ill will (unless someone is using their faith to cast judgement and harbor ill will against me and marginalized communities). And while I say pagan, it is a very catch-all but comfy term for me, since my personal beliefs are a spectrum that has been accrued over the decades of studies -- and from coming from a family that is a mix of Buddhist, Shinto, Hindu faiths. And growing up in 80s-90s Wiccan, neopagan, New Age, Shamanism, and Animism, and Ancestor worship movement circles.I've been chronically ill and disabled since my early teens, where I was diagnosed with being severely immunocompromised and rare blood disorders that have no 'cures' or treatments. The experimental ones I've done over my teens and 20s not only did not work, they left me worse off than trying my best to maintain and manage with a careful life.Compounded onto those issues, I do have bad nerve damage that affects my stomach and GI system, so that even eating and digesting becomes a real funhouse of pain and nightmares on the daily. But! Through it all, I've graduated from highschool and college with high honors, and on many academic accolade lists, as well as having my poetry and written works published, won awards for, and have had plays I've written performed across the college circuits locally. Life is worth living -- and fighting for -- and there is a lot of beauty out there that makes every day worthwhile.Chronic illness and disability advocacy are very important to me, along with BIPOC and Queer representation in media, and overall social justice issues and concerns going on in our world. I would like to see worlds within our media truly reflect all of us, the very richly diverse tapestry that makes us all up. Each of us is a vibrant thread that weave together to make something even more beautiful. I truly believe our world is enriched when we're all invited to the table to love, enjoy, consume, and create at.My favorite motto: "Kindness doesn't cost anything but it can mean more than gold." Over the years I have learned a few things, and one of them is that we're all trying our best and struggling in this world. We are all stressed and frayed, we all have our burdens and pains we carry. The best we can do -- I can do anyway -- is not to add to your weight on your shoulders, to not be a source of pain or drama, but to hopefully just be a little uplifting gremlin that can be a listening ear and a kind word.A lot of modern day socializing online is strained through this very bizarre world of social media we are in, where it is a lot of shouting into the abyss and seeing if anything comes back. Or trying to curate things to be something they're not. I'm just me. I'm no superhero, no great artist, no special chosen one, no uniquely trendy identity. I'm just someone that wants to be there for you if you want to be here for me. And together we can make something a little better for each other.If you like the sound of that, if you like laughs and hugs through the good times and the bad, if you want to build things up, if you want to share and to listen, then let's be friends. And if you just want to follow and peer into this little disaster gremlin world and see what new zany, geeky, arty, silly things are going on, then please, feel free, by all means! I'm happy to have you. You are always welcome.And if you'd like to know more about my personal interests -- and lord, there are many -- click on over to the My Interests page to unravel that unholy scroll of sins. Kidding, again! Hopefully. Maybe? You be the judge. But don't judge harshly, I bruise easily!-Click Here To Return To The Main Page.

My Interests

-Oh my gosh, there are so many media faves and influences! I'll try to break them up into chunks for easier navigating. Below, you can find some of my favorite things in each subject, and learn a little more about the things that fill me up..GAMES.I've been gaming since I could tap the keys of a keyboard and hold an NES controller. I grew up with Adventure games on the PC in the 80s, and then added in NES, SNES, Genesis, Playstation, Xbox over the years the systems came out. Nowadays I am primarily a PC gamer, and thankfully many games are starting to become a universal thing instead of packaged and sold in pure exclusives (permanently).My tastes are wide and varied, and there is something I like in just about every genre and style, but the main loves I draw from are RPG, Adventure, Action, Puzzle.Dragon Age (series)
Mass Effect (series)
Baldur's Gate (series)
Divinity: Original Sin (series)
Fallout (series)
Elder Scrolls (series)
Final Fantasy (series)
Star Wars: KotOR (series)
Grandia (series)
Lunar (series)
Suikoden (series)
Fire Emblem (series)
Legend of Dragoon
Resident Evil (series)
Saints Row (series)
The Longest Journey
King's Quest (series)
Space Quest (series)
Simon the Sorcerer
Gabriel Knight (series)
Legend of Kyrandia (series)
Monkey Island (series)
Sam & Max (series)
Spirit Fareri'm huge into survival/building/exploration games these years.ARK
No Man's Sky
This isn't an exhaustive list by any means. There are tons of one-off games I've lived and really obscure games I have treasured over the decades. Ask me if I'd played them, chances are pretty good that I may have..MOVIES & TV.I'm a big sci-fi and fantasy and martial arts action media buff. Media that focuses on the characters and interpersonal relationships, with great cinematography. Things that make you thing and feel. And things that are great action power fantasy.5th Element
The Fountain
The Last Unicorn
The Protege
Terminator: Dark Fate
Return to Oz
Legend of Nimh
Death Becomes Her
The Neverending Story
Interview with the Vampire
Sailor Moon
Golden Girls
The Nanny
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Star Trek: Discovery
Deep Space 9
Stargate SG-1
Demon Slayer
Ore Monogatari!!
Living Single
I Love Lucy
Quantum Leap
Murder She Wrote
All MCU Movies & Tv Shows.BOOKS & COMICS.I am a huge lover of a lot of 90s book franchises and authors, growing up with the likes of Stephen King, Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, and Christopher Pike, to today's great queer and fantastical era of new authors bringing in some amazing bipoc and queer worlds. It is an exciting time.The Song of Achilles
Kameron Hurley books
N.K. Jemisin books
Becky Chambers books
Emma Newman books
Animorphs (series)
Fear Street (series)
Anne Rice books
Ursula Le Guin books
Christopher Pike books
Captain Marvel
Birds of Prey (Gail Simone run)
.MUSIC.Grunge and alternative rock (specifically from the 90s, the Seattle Sound) is what is in my veins. Always will be. But my love of music stretches far and wide, from classical to music from other countries, to industrial underground to airy mood music.90s music
Alternative Rock
80s music
Pop Rock
Mood Music
Alanis Morisette
3rd Eye Blind
3 Doors Down
Conjure One
Paul Schwartz
Rage Against the Machine
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Green Day
Joan Jett
David Bowie
I'm vegan, gluten free, and absolutely love to cook from scratch. You can find (on good days) making lots of vegan noms in the kitchen and extra bulk meals to freeze and store for the month. I'm always trying new and different recipes. Talk to me about cooking, preserving, fermenting, storage systems, meal prep, vegan foods and substitutes, and desserts made easy at home, and you'll get a friend that will never shut up.Bonus! Other things I love and obsessed with: Ancient History, Space, Technology, Science. Cyclopean, megalithic, ancient ruins, ancient (and modern) cultures, art throughout the ages, and food storage systems and fermentation.Just a big huge nerd! :)
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Devi's Creative Corner_

Just a space where I can share some of the screenshot and photoshop editing art I've created for my own characters as well as other creative works I've been up to.
Note: If you'd like to learn the detailed backgrounds and histories and quirks of my current main three OCs (Red Bear, Kahlan, and Evandur) then please click this link to visit their site - or click the image of them below to get there.It will take you to their personal li'l home where you can swim around and read all about them. :)

-Below, you'll find a collage of my own OCs that I've done.From left to right, top to bottom:Red Bear - The sweet cinnamon roll with a heart of gold and a healer's touch. Spirit Healer, tailor, mender, and will bake and leave you your favorite treats on your pillow. Strength through kindness and never giving up on those around him.Kahlan Lavellan - Academic, unintentionally funny, fierce defender of the elven people, sufferer of intergenerational trauma and familial drama with her clan. Falls for Solas, ends very badly. She learns she needs no one but herself to achieve her dreams and finding her true purpose in life.Evandur Treveylan - Tragic, misunderstood, manipulative and broody, self-loathing blood mage that fell from grace. Multiple times. And deeper still. His story is still unfolding as I continue writing it, but Cullen and he have a tumultuous relationship with a lot of things to work out.Aeoli Tabris - My first Dragon Age character ever, created in 2008, before the game even came out. My canon girlie and some of the most memorable and fond moments and writing I've done for her. She has two worldstates, the main canon where Ali is king and he dumps her, and she dies at the end of the game (purely to spite him). Or where he isn't king, and they both remain Wardens, and continue their long adventure together.Princess Nanea Astraea Lavellan - A living Disney Princess. A storysinger that holds her clan's histories in song, and has a naive outlook on the world from living a sheltered life. A rocky path of turmoil and hardships meet her before even getting the Mark. Yet through it all, she continues to adapt. To tell her own story. A princess and knight romance with Cassandra.Nawane Ryder - Rambunctious, sparkly, reckless, coy Ryder who lived by a YOLO lifestyle and motto of helping everyone she could. Liam and Vetra romancer. A young woman with a cheeky sense of humor, steel nerves, and dirt under her nails.Amira Cadash - Spritly, inexhaustibly cheerful, curious, crafty, and sneaky. She is a former assassin (poison expert) of House Cadash that roamed Thedas under the guise of being part of a traveling circus. She wanted out of that life and Leliana gave it to her in the form of becoming an Agent for the Inquisition. (She does not have the Mark.) Known as "Florist," she gathers intel and does security operations while pretending to be a simple flower seller. Romances Blackwall.Nevan Cadash - A man with an iron stomach, heart brimming with goofy innocence, and head full of rocks. A true himbo, through and through. He's cousin to Amira, and he is the one with the Mark. Protective, ignorant, flies by the seat of his pants and hates making decisions. He falls in love with Dorian.Aelic Hawke - A dashing charmer that got through life
with finesse and a smile, but had absolutely zero common sense and no impulse control. Playboy obsessed with prestige and climbing back up to privilege. Fell in love with Anders. Gave up everything for him in the end, ran off together to be terrorist apostate fugitives.

-And if you would like to tip toe through some of my prose, I do have an Ao3 account.Frosted Dreams is my tiny fic featuring Red Bear and Iron Bull. A sweet and fuzzy piece about love and friendship, and the things one holds onto even after years go by. Set in Post-Trespasser time, and with cameos from Cullen and delicious cupcakes. If you're in the mood for something cute and soft and to pluck the heartstrings, I hope you'll give it a look!Here's a Direct Link To Frosted DreamsI appreciate your interest, friends! Thank you for taking the time! <3-Click Here To Return To The Main Page.